Saturday, March 2, 2013

preparing prelab/lecture material video

There is a lot of talk about classroom flipping these days and I can see where this will be great - get the content deliver "out of the way" before the class meets, then spend the class time applying the content and trying to get it to a level of working understanding. In many ways we've been doing this in our Biology labs already via prelab content on video that is then applied with hands-on activities during the lab. One of the key things you need to be able to do easily is to capture your lecture/prelab/etc.  Dan Reis at TLT showed me a great tool the other day (free too) called Screencast-o-Matic. SOM allows you to identify a portion of your desktop that you want to be filmed. It also can simultaneously capture video of you so that the students can see you giving the talk.

Here's a screenshot of it in action. The dotted line is what will be captured and it will embed the video of you in there if you want it to. 

SOM has export functions for exporting into mp4, flv, and avi formats. It can also export directly to YouTube which would have some advantages. 

Note that while there are ways to do this kind of thing without the video, inclusion of the video I think is a nice touch that students will appreciate.

1 comment:


    Crystal Anderson in the English Department is using this same tool for tutorials (example: how to set up WordPress)!
