Monday, March 4, 2013

Straightforward video conferencing with iChat/Messages on Mac computers

Straightforward video conferencing with iChat/Messages on Mac computers

A few years ago I was playing around with the iChat Theater mode as a tool for easy off-site presenting. The cool thing about Theater is that it not only allows you to show someone a series of slides or images that you have, it also keeps you in the picture to narrate it. See the pictures below when I recently tested it. The first picture is what the person on the other end saw - me in the big picture and him (which happens to be me too) in the small picture. Next I dragged my pdf file into the main window on my computer - this became the main picture and my face shrunk down to the lower corner (you can see this in the lower picture) So now I can show the other person (or people) my presentation/pictures/videos/etc while they can still see me narrating.

Did this with a winter term class a few years ago - had a colleague video in and show us some of his research slides that related to a paper we had read. He was projected on the screen and so he filled up the whole screen. When he switched to Theater mode the transition I described earlier happened and that was a "wow" moment for the students that they continued to talk about for quite some time. I wish the wow had been for the material, but I'll take it anyway....

I recently upgraded to Mac OsX 10.8 which moves iChat to Messages. It's not as straightforward to do this anymore but it's there.

1 comment:

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